Imperius the Warrior

Imperius was a great general from an unknown nation long lost in time.
Imperius was once known as the Immortal General and led his nation to vicory countless
times. The only recorded document of the Immortal General is a large book containing
accounts of his many battles, written by his people. The oddity of this book however is
that according to it Imperius is thousands of years old. It was originally thought
that he passed his title down through his kin but the book states that he has had none.

Imperius won every battle he ever fought and conquered many young empires but his not well
known in history later than 200 A.D. but what was known about his was that he was an unstoppable
force. The book of his life shows the many battles he has won but suddenly ends and is followed
by a multitude of empty pages.

The source of Imperius' long life is the book. When any fluid is poured onto the empty pages
of the book, new words and chapters of his long conquest continue. This had led to the book
being sealed into a water prof bag never to be opened again.